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Steel Slide

Volcan de Nuits, 2022

Nuit Saint Georges, Côte-d'Or, France.


Created on the initiative of the architecture agency AZCA (Atelier Zéro Carbone Architects), the “Volcan de Nuits” Festival is above all a matter of passion, that of music and art, the heart and engine of the project.


In a bucolic and rural atmosphere, we offer you a timeless moment, in a unique setting, where art and music are master  on board.

The festival program is part of a desire to combine discovery, diversity and quality, and to embody a unique identity, where everything is to be built. [translated] 

Steel slide. This year I pushed manual bending projects to new heights. The sliding surface is 16no. parallel 1-inch steel tubes. Borrowing from the linear vines on the hills beyond, and (again) from the wonderful steel staircase in Pierre Chareau's Maison Du Verre, Paris. On-going (needs painting).

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